Volvo Energy


Battery Energy Storage System – BESS

A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) has the potential to become a vital component in the energy landscape. As the demand for renewable energy and electrification grows, a BESS is a reliable source of power that can help reduce emissions, optimize energy costs, and promote a stronger, greener grid.

What is BESS?

A BESS works like a large-scale rechargeable battery, storing electricity when it’s abundant, often from renewable sources like the sun and wind. In addition to supplying energy for your business when demand is high, a BESS acts as a reliable backup during outages or disruptions. This system provides financial benefits by optimizing energy costs and promotes a greener grid by reducing reliance on non-renewable sources.

Power up while reducing costs

A BESS can store energy when electricity prices are low, like at night or when a lot of renewable energy is generated. Then, during peak hours when prices rise, a BESS can be used to support charging instead of drawing power from more costly sources – potentially reducing your energy bills.

Minimize interruptions

With a BESS, you get a steady and reliable source of backup power. So even if the sun isn’t shining, the wind isn’t blowing, or an unexpected power outage occurs, a BESS can help ensure your operations maintain a consistent flow.

Earn from excess energy

As well as storing energy, a BESS provides the opportunity to participate in the energy market. During peak hours, surplus energy can be sold back to the grid instead of remaining unused. This transforms excess energy into extra revenue while supporting a greener grid.

BESS from Volvo Energy

Our BESS will be available for temporary and stationary set-ups, enabling reliable backup power and a stable grid wherever you operate. Our system will, at the start, be equipped with first-life batteries, but we aim to transition and fully tap into the benefits of second-life batteries.

Portable power units

Designed for flexibility and transient settings, this portable power solution will offer a seamless charging experience wherever you go. This mobile powerhouse ranges from 150-250 kW (DC) with 88 kW (AC) and an energy storage capacity of 100-600 kWh.

  • Delivers consistent power for uptime and piece of mind.
  • Easily integrates with current asset and fleet management services.
  • Quick and simple to connect to the grid. 
  • Get high energy density in a compact form.
  • Cost-effective without sacrificing quality.

Stationary power units

Optimize your commercial and industrial sites with a cost-effective and environmentally responsible energy solution. This stationary unit boasts a power range of 400-1000 kW (AC) and a remarkable energy storage of 600-2000 kWh.

  • Optimize your energy costs, minimize your carbon footprint. 
  • Built in safety and cyber security. 
  • Prioritize lifetime cost and potential revenue.
  • Can be adapted for various uses. 
  • Reliable performance, ensuring uninterrupted operations.

Let’s explore a use-case example

In our example, a fleet owner operates four Volvo FM BEV vehicles, each with a 360 kWh battery. A stationary BESS paired with two DC fast chargers, each at 175 kW, can top up the vehicles during lunch breaks, ensuring a continuous energy supply without interrupting the workflow.


With a BESS, a 250A grid connection is sufficient compared to the 500A connection required without a BESS. This not only reduces the demand on the grid but also costs associated with on-the-go charging. Additionally, it enables revenue generation by selling excess energy back to the grid. Doing so makes the cost of investment and installation pay off in four years.

What can BESS do for your business?

Whether it’s about reliable back-up power, reducing costs or increasing revenue, let’s explore how a BESS can elevate your operations.

What’s inside BESS?

A BESS is built on various components that work together to efficiently store, manage, and release electrical energy. Each component has a specific role, contributing to the overall performance and functionality of a BESS.


Stores incoming electricity from various sources, such as renewables, and releases it when needed.


The inverter takes the stored electricity (DC) from the batteries and converts it into the type of electricity (AC) we normally use in homes or buildings.

Battery management system

Monitors and controls the batteries, ensuring they charge and discharge safely and efficiently. It also manages the temperature and overall health of the battery cells.

Energy management system

Handle the charging and discharging of the batteries and regulate the flow of electricity to and from the grid.

Thermal management system

Aims to ensure that the BESS operates optimally no matter the surroundings. It includes pumps, radiators, an active cooling unit, and a heater.

State of the art subsystem

We benefit from the strength of Volvo Group, where Volvo Penta is at the forefront of developing a scalable, customized subsystem tailored specifically for BESS.

Volvo Penta BESS Subsystem

FAQ about BESS

If you cannot find an answer to your question, you are always welcome to contact us.

BESS are very flexible and can support and solve many challenges regarding electrification, such as storing intermittent renewable energy or reducing power peaks in constrained grids.

For example, BESS might primarily support electric vehicle charging in a weak grid. But it can also provide additional services like grid support, leading to revenue opportunities, or CO2 optimization of your local energy use.

So, a BESS can provide both revenue opportunities and cost and emission savings.

The system and installation cost depend on your particular needs, the site and the environment in which it should be placed.

Please get in touch with us for a quote.

The payback time for an investment BESS depends on your use case, priorities, and location. A typical business case for a BESS currently shows a payback of around five years.

Please contact us for a more specific analysis of your case or a quote.

Our products are compliant with EU standards and can be connected to the normal grid in Europe, i.e. 3-phase, 400 volts.

BESS can charge all the electric applications on site, as well as visitors that want to charge. This means our solution is brand agnostic, and can charge any vehicles, regardless of brand.

As the electric transformation gathers pace, the number of used batteries grows. And used batteries still have valuable potential. With our circular approach, Volvo Energy reuses and repurpose these powerhouses. And once they’ve given everything, we ensure that they’re responsibly recycled, and ready to give everything they can once again.


For example, the repurposed truck or bus batteries with second life are supporting charging solutions, reducing the carbon dioxide footprint further. 

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